Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagSeptember 11th

Turkish statement on Tehran Holocaust meeting

Received by email with no link:—– STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY We maintain the same views expressed in our statement dated December 9, 2005 also in the context of the conference held in Teheran on December 11-12e ntitled “Jewish Holocaust: Global Perspectives.” We expressed in that statement that the Holocaust suffered by the Jews...

Welles Remy Crowther made honorary NYC fireman

This morning I heard on the radio that Welles Remy Crowther has been named an honorary New York City fireman, in recognition of his heroism during the September 11 terrorist attacks. Welles was murdered on September 11, 2001. He was an equities trader on the South Tower’s 104th floor, who helped dozens of people to safety on that catastrophic day. His body was found in March, 2002...

From a Muslim outlook, imams have missed the point on flight behavior

For whatever this is worth, I am republishing this article, from the Arizona Republic in full. I disagree that the majority of American Muslims are aligned with M. Zuhdi Jasser , the author of this article. If that were the case, M. Zuhdi Jasser would be just one of thousands of Muslims in America writing with the same sentiment. Sadly, M. Zuhdi Jasser is the only American Muslim I know of at...

When it comes to Holocaust denial and other untruths, remember this

Holocaust denial is being treated as a legitimate alternative viewpoint when in fact it is a falsification of history. When you’re speaking about indisputable historical facts, there is no alternative. Holocaust denial is nothing more than hatred disguised as an interpretation of history. See, without such hatred, Arabs, Muslims, [and yes, Christians] wouldn’t be able to incite and...

If Israel Falls, the West Follows

Via If Israel Falls, the West Follows: A radical Islamic front, led by Iran and including Hizballah, Hamas, and al-Qaeda, is making a bid to expand its brand of theocratic rule throughout the Muslim world, with the aim of dominating the West as well. If the U.S. retreats in the face of this challenge, militant Islamism will advance. Israel may or may not be the first victim of this advance, but...

FOX vs. CAIR, Round 2

Via FrontPageMag: On September 23, 2002, an article written by Paul Bond was published in FrontPage Magazine exposing the contempt for Fox News Channel felt by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization that has been cited for its numerous ties to extremist Islamic elements. According to CAIR, Fox had exhibited a “pattern of anti-Muslim bias.” Over three years later, the...

What is the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)?

From Discover The Network: The World Assembly of Muslim Youth, founded by bin Laden’s nephew, this youth group seeks “to teach our children to love taking revenge on the Jews”. Saudi-based Islamic organization with chapters in 55 countries Founded by Osama bin Laden’s nephew Holds conferences and distributes literature promoting jihad and anti-Semitism Raises funds for...

Muslims now seek prayer rooms at airports

Folks, the US Constitution prohibits special rights for special people. Civil rights is one thing but special rights? Uh-uh, sorry, but special rights is outright discriminatory. Well, it really doesn’t matter what you think because Muslims are being assigned a special-right special-class status in this country and I resent it. Special rights is not just rhetoric. Special rights is a...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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