Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Crash Course in Jewish History Part 64 – The British Mandate

Via The British promised to create a Jewish state, but served their own Arab-linked interests as millions died in the Holocaust. World War I changed the map of the world. This huge conflict waged over four years (1914-1918) pitted the Allies (chiefly France, Britain, Russia, and later, the U.S.) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Turkish Ottoman Empire) against...

Reminder of What Palestinians did to a Donkey in Ramallah

Via TOTAL CONTEMPT What Will They Think of NEXT? On January 12, 2001, three months after they savagely butchered the Jewish reservists, the residents of Ramallah showed just how sorry they were.  Hundreds of Palestinians, including leading Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials, conducted a hate-filled rally against Israel, complete with a donkey clad in a Jewish prayer shawl and a nose...

Arabs Lynch Jews in Ramallah in 2000

Via the excellent masada2000 archived at and recreated here. LIFE & DEATH in the JUNGLE Peace at Any Price? May the G_d of Israel avenge the deaths of these brave young defenders of Israel and the Jewish People. .Israel, palestine, Ramallah, Lynching, palestinian, Ramallah Lynching, Israeli Reservists, terrorism, Intifada, Palestinian Intifada, Palestinian Intifada         On the...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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