Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagChristians in crisis

From Lebanon to Hizbullahstan

From From Lebanon to Hizbullahstan: Christians have been fleeing Lebanon for decades. Though a census hasn’t been taken in 75 years, Nizar Hamze of the American University of Beirut estimates that there are between eight and nine births per Shiite household, compared to five for Sunnis and two for Christians and Druze. These numbers must ultimately count against an outmoded constitutional...

Churches in Saudi Arabia?

Qatar has built a church in Doha, which is a precedent, since Muslim thoecracies severely repress non-Islamic religious expression. Via Daniel Pipes: For some years now, the Vatican has made reciprocity the key to its relations with Muslim-majority states. For example, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the Vatican equivalent of foreign minister, commented in 2003 that “There are too many majority...

Gaza Baptists Targeted by Extremists

From Gaza Baptists Targeted by Extremists: Gaza is home to 1.5 million Muslims – and about 3,000 increasingly frightened Christians. The small evangelical Baptist community has been a principal target of the extremists because of its missionary work, which has been halted. “Christians get killed here, let alone a Muslim who converted,” said Ashraf, 36, who did not give his last...

Muslim Gunmen Target Christian in Gaza

Christians are reviled by Muslims as well. Via Muslim Gunmen Target Christian in Gaza: Over the weekend, four masked gunmen tried to kidnap Palestinian Christian Nabil Fuad Ayad, who works as a guard at a Gaza City church. Nabil’s cousin, Rami, was kidnapped and murdered two months ago by the same group, members of the radical Islamic Salafi movement, local sources said. The gunmen tried to...

Expert: “Christian Groups in PA to Disappear”

Christians, you’re targets as well. From Expert: “Christian Groups in PA to Disappear”: The ever-dwindling Christian communities living in Palestinian-run territories in the West Bank and Gaza are likely to dissipate completely within the next 15 years as a result of increasing Muslim persecution and maltreatment, international human rights lawyer Justus Reid Weiner said Monday...

Save Kosovo

Via Save Kosovo: As part of his delusion that Islam is a “religion of peace and tolerance” President Bush, continuing a policy inherited from Bill Clinton and kept alive at the State Department and the United Nations, wants to turn the Serbian province of Kosovo over to a jihad terrorist organization, the “Kosovo Liberation Army” (KLA). The certain result? The remaining Christian Serbs would be...

Two exciting organizations both founded by Brigitte Gabriel

Received by email: I want to tell you about two exciting organizations, American Congress of Truth (ACT) and ACT for America, both founded by Brigitte Gabriel. I participated in a fascinating townhall meeting, teleconference call with Brigitte and her executive director tonight along with more than 1500 participants from all over the country. The groups’ main concern is national security...

Christians Are Persona Non Grata in Gaza

From Christians Are Persona Non Grata in Gaza: The murder on Oct. 7 of Rami Ayad, who worked at Gaza’s Bible Society, has persuaded many in the 3,000-strong Christian community they are no longer welcome in Gaza. He had been stabbed several times and shot in the head. The Bible Society is primarily involved in offering charity to Muslim families, but Ayad had nevertheless been threatened...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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