Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Two exciting organizations both founded by Brigitte Gabriel


Received by email:

I want to tell you about two exciting organizations, American Congress of Truth (ACT) and ACT for America, both founded by Brigitte Gabriel. I participated in a fascinating townhall meeting, teleconference call with Brigitte and her executive director tonight along with more than 1500 participants from all over the country. The groups’ main concern is national security, including fighting Islamofascism and keeping our borders safe. Brigitte is very passionate and ambitious and already has 27 million people signed up to receive her emails.

I hope you will post this info on your blogs and encourage people to visit the websites ( and, watch the videos in which speaks about her experience and support these organizations. Her future plans include educating people about and fighting Islamofascism, informing voters of the candidates’ positions on national security before the November 08 election, influencing Congress with our emails and calls and starting local chapters all over the U.S. She has already spoken to members of Congress.

Hope you will urge people to support these groups. I believe they have a great potential to influence and educate the public.

About the author

Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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