The Rewards of Peace with Israel


The Rewards of Peace with Israel, from a Lebanese: We Lebanese should do the obvious and honorable, and make a wholehearted peace with Israel. We need to end, once for all, and permanently, for the sake of all children, this futile bleeding conflict we were pushed into on behalf of the anti-civilization forces. We have lost 60 years of our lives, our brightest have emigrated, our country is ravished, left at the crossroad of partition, fighting for its life. Peace with Israel means opening new trade and shipping routes southward, with and through Israel, then to Jordan and Egypt, nations

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Drop This Cherished Illusion


Via Drop This Cherished Illusion: Does anyone really think it is possible to reach a settlement with the Palestinians that will guarantee peace between us? How can one not see the rift among them, their inability to administer their own lives, Fatah’s helplessness, Hamas’ abysmal hatred, the murderousness of the popular resistance organizations, the destructive influence of radical Islam, the interference of Iran, and the belief – so deeply rooted in almost every Arab heart – that, sooner or later, Israel will disappear off the map? Even if Israel agreed to withdraw to the 1967 borders (and it doesn’t); even

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