Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

CategoryYear: 1967

Arab Authorities Abuse Their Authority on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount

Reprinted from Facts and Logic in the ME (FLAME) “Last week, Jordan took the dramatic step of significantly increasing Palestinian Arab control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. As a result, the anti-Semitic policies and anti-Israel activities on the Temple Mount are likely to intensify—if that is even possible. The Temple Mount was the site of both Solomon’s and Herod’s temples, which were...

Solomon’s Temple-Era Artifacts Found for First Time on Temple Mount

Originally posted on Bridges for Peace: November 4, 2016 Volunteer groups sifting material from the Temple Mount in the Emek Tzurim National Park Friday, 04 November 2016 | Artifacts including tiny shards of clay and bone from the time of Solomon’s Temple were unearthed for the first time on the Temple Mount, Israeli archaeologists revealed on Thursday. The discoveries, which include “olive pits...

The Slogan “Palestine From the River to the Sea”

“Palestine from the river to the sea” was a slogan of the Palestine Liberation Organization beginning with its founding in 1964, claiming a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and rejecting control by Israel of any land in the region, including areas controlled by Israel prior to 1967. It later became a popular political slogan used by Palestinians who reject...

Questions About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Didn’t Israel drive out 600,000 Palestinians at gunpoint in 1948 and take their land? Most Arabs who left Israel did so under the orders of the Arab leader, the Grand Mufti, to withdraw and let the Arab armies “drive the Jews into the sea,” which they attempted in 1948. However Israel won that war. Not all of the Arabs left, and Israel is now 18% Arab. These Arabs have full...

The Jewish People Are Entitled to Self-Determination

The brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel must stop. The global community must place intense pressure upon the entity calling itself “Palestine” to respect the human rights of the Jewish people who have returned to their restored homeland. Jews are entitled to self-determination, to live freely in their...

Why Do Arab Nationalists Demand the Liberation of Palestine If They Gave Up on Other Occupied Regions?

We know why. Arabs are resentful that Jews are not going to apologize for surviving a 60+ year war that Arabs started, the same war that the detestable Arafat the Egyptian perpetrated when he created the PLO in 1964 – three years before there was an “occupation” in 1967. The 1967 war was a direct result of Arab aggression towards Israel, and a war which the Arabs lost. Arabs...

Direct Divine Intervention. What happened to it?

An uplifting article with a promise for all with righteous hearts. Excerpted from JWR: In our day, open miracles do not occur. According to the Jewish religious tradition, direct Divine intervention to turn what we call nature on its head ended in Biblical times. Still perceptible, though, in even our less holy times are more subtle Heavenly intrusions, twists of “fate” that might...

Bush Offered Palestinians a State; They Said No

Palestinian Arabs said no to a state in 1937, when Britain under the Mandate offered the Peel Commission plan. They said no in 1947, when the UN proposed the establishment of two states in the region, one Jewish, one Arab. They said no in 1948, when Israel’s Proclamation of Independence invited the Palestinians to remain in their homes and become equal citizens in the new state. They said...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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