Maryland historian links roots of radical Islam with Nazi propaganda


No doubt. Mohammedans were firmly in love with Hitler, so much so, that 20,000 Muslims volunteered to fight in the Muslim S.S. division named the Handzar” (scimitar) division, which was brutal in the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian regions in eastern Bosnia. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin el Husseini, in addition to the carnage he engineered against Jews during the murderous campaign against them in 1920, 1929 and 1936, willfully planned, assembled, organized, and killed Jews in Hungary and Croatia with the assistance of those 20,000 Muslims during World War II with Hitler’s assistance. Via JPost: “A confluence of

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Storm in Belgium over suspected Islamist informer’s murky past


Via EJPress: The arrest of an Islamist in Morocco has made Belgian authorities wondering if they have been duped by a “double agent” alleged to have acted as an informer while planning several deadly attacks. The growing storm is swirling around Abdelkader Belliraj, 50, a Belgian and Moroccan national who was arrested last month in Morocco on suspicions of having led an Al Qaeda-linked group of 35 Islamic extremists. He is also a prime suspect in six unexplained killings in Belgium at the end of the 1980s, including the murder of Joseph Wybran, a former head of the umbrella group

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13th Anniversary of the terrorist attack on the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires


Received by email:———————–Thirteen years ago, 18 July, at 9 A.M., a huge explosion rocked the city of Buenos Aires – the second murderous attack against Israeli and Jewish targets in Argentina. The attack was launched against the AMIA Jewish community center (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina). The target of the previous attack, two years earlier, was the Israeli embassy. In the attack 13 years ago, the Jewish community center was completely destroyed. A total of 85 people lost their lives, and hundreds more were injured. The pain and sorrow we feel combines with the difficult feeling that those responsible for the

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Five Muslim doctors hatched terror plot in British hospitals


This heinous plot proves several points about Islam and Islamic terror: — that the lives of non-Muslims are not esteemed nor valued by Muslims,— that the Hippocratic oath is meaningless to Muslim doctors and waiving an oath and violating another’s trust is just a walk in the park,— that it is a myth that terrorism is a result of poverty and lack of education, and,— that it is a myth that Muslims and Jews worship the same god because clearly Jews sanctify life and clearly, Muslims sanctify death. From Terror plot hatched in British hospitals: A suspected secret cell of

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Terror Threat in Germany


From Terror Threat in Germany: A combination of intelligence “chatter,” a suspicious video, and arrests along the Pakistani border have led authorities to warn that the threat of terrorist attacks in Germany is real. Germany faced an elevated threat of terrorism because of its involvement in Afghanistan, according to officials who said the risk of an attack is as high as it has ever been. “We are alarmed,” the normally mild-mannered August Hanning, Deputy Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, said Thursday. German as well as foreign intelligence agencies have received hints about plans, groups, and individual extremists

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