From Ford Foundation Still Funding Anti-Israel Groups: Many of the anti-Israel activists at the UN anti-racism conference in Durban, South Africa, in 2001 were egged on by Ford Foundation-backed, pro-Palestinian groups. Hoping to head off a similar debacle, Ford says it will not pay for any organization to participate in the follow-up conference to Durban, slated for April in Geneva. Yet Ford...
U.S. Taxpayers Fund Grants for “Palestinian Studies”
US taxpayers fund “palestinian” mythology and its fraudulent culture, which never existed prioer to 1964, in spite of the empirical evidence that the land that Israelis now inhabit was bought and paid for legally, and the legitimacy of Israel was voted imprimatur by the United Nations. From U.S. Taxpayers Fund Grants for “Palestinian Studies”: For more than a decade, the...