Images that Shock


Google Earth helps Muslims kill Jews. From Images that Shock: The Guardian has filmed rare scenes inside Hamas-controlled Gaza – Hamas beating up Fatah dissenters, Palestinian doctors forced by their Fatah paymasters to go on strike or forfeit their salaries, the militants who log on to Google Earth to search for Israeli targets for their Kassam rockets. What these films show is not a Gazan population turning against the gunmen who took the enclave over by force in June, but its opposite – the hatred that Mahmoud Abbas is incurring among his own people. Expectations for the forthcoming peace conference

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The ‘Two Jerusalems’ Myth


To return the “Arab neighborhoods” of Jerusalem to Arab/Muslim control would mark the beginning of the end of Israel and its raison d’etre for existing as a nation state. Received by email. From The ‘Two Jerusalems” Myth: Palestinians have nurtured a myth that historically there were two Jerusalems – an Arab ‘East Jerusalem’ and a Jewish ‘West Jerusalem.’ Jerusalem was never an Arab city; Jews have held a majority in Jerusalem since 1870, and ‘east-west’ is a geographic, not political designation. It is no different than claiming Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, should be a separate political entity from the

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