Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagTurkish anti-Semitism

A Race to Buy Land in Jerusalem

From A Race to Buy Land in Jerusalem: Wealthy West Bank-based Palestinians, funded by Persian Gulf benefactors, have been attempting to buy as much land as possible in eastern Jerusalem, concentrating their efforts in the Old City, in order to push out Jewish associations doing exactly the same. Backed by private millionaires, Muslim foundations, Arab banks, the PLO’s Orient House’s...

Turkey Blames U.S. Jews for Genocide Bill

From Turkey Blames U.S. Jews for Genocide Bill: When a U.S. Congressional committee approved a resolution recognizing the World War I-era massacre of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire as genocide, Turkey’s reaction was swift and harsh: Blame the Jews. Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said he had told American Jewish leaders that a genocide bill would strengthen the public perception in...

Looking for a scapegoat, the world again turns to Jews

An excerpt from the widely heralded Victor Davis Hanson’s Looking for scapegoat, world again turns to Jews : Who recently said: “These Jews started 19 Crusades. The 19th was World War (1). Why? Only to build Israel.” Some holdover Nazi? Hardly. It was former Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan of Turkey, a NATO ally. He went on to claim that the Jews — whom he refers to as...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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