Want to deny the Holocaust?


At the Nuremberg trials, a witness reported Adolf Eichmann’s defiant boast: “I will leap into my grave laughing because the feeling that I have 5,000,000 human beings on my conscience is for me a source of extraordinary satisfaction.” Even Eichmann did not deny the Holocaust, nor did he deny the enormous number of 5,000,000, recalling the Jews he helped kill, as chief of the Gestapo’s Jewish Section, where he drew up the lists of names, marshaled the freight cars that carried the victims to the camps, perfected the methods of slaughter—finally settling on “Zyklon B” as the gas that was

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The Beast in Chains


Who is Adolf Eichmann? A detailed article from Time Magazine, dated Monday, June 06, 1960, on the historic arrest of Nazi war criminal and Jew-exterminator, Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible together with the Nazi leaders for what was called the ‘final solution’ of the Jewish question— the extermination of 6,000,000 Jews of Europe. An excerpt: The Israelis found Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. He arrived in this country in 1952 from Spain. He was traveling with an Italian Red Cross document obtained through the Vatican’s D.P.-relief department, which qualified him as a displaced person. The document was in the name of

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