Who is Nadia Abu El-Haj?


She is a young Palestinian-American who is also Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Barnard. According to Jameel at The Muqata, its tenure time at Barnard College, and Nadia Abu El Haj is aspiring to attain the coveted Barnard professorship title in her field of Anthropology. And the problem with that? In her doctoral thesis, which she morphed into a book, “Facts on the Ground: Archeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society.”, she denies that the Jewish people lived in Israel in ancient times. This, coming from a so-called expert in anthropology. What is anthropology? One definition is the study

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Benny Morris defends Israel


For the past two decades, Benny Morris – a prominent Israeli and international academic, and a leading figure in Israel’s Post-Zionism camp – has been advocating the notion that Israel’s official version of history is filled with misconceptions and misleading myths. Benny Morris, to the chagrin of Jew bashers and palestinian apologists, has changed his perspective and says that (1) Arabs are to blame for lack of peace; (2) Arabs are to blame for the refugee problem; (3) Arabs will never accept Israel; (4) Arabs are lying when they say that they can compromise with the Jewish state; (5) Israel

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