Via WSJ: Last year Random House signed a $100,000, two-book deal with journalist Sherry Jones for The Jewel of Medina, a racy historical novel about Aisha, the young wife of the prophet Muhammad. Jones learned Arabic, studied scholarly works about Aisha’s life, and came to admire her protagonist as a woman of courage. In May, Random House abruptly called off publication of the book, fearing...
Al Qaeda: Explosives Expert Among 4 Afghanistan Leaders Killed
The following news item should help set right anyone’s mythology that the US in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere are hurting “poor innocent Arab shepherds” who only want to raise sheep, raise a family, and spread peace throughout the world. May righteous Jews and Americans continue to capture and kill our enemies in al-Qaeda, the civilization-hating Muslim terror network. Via...
Tactical Hudna and Islamist Intolerance
From Tactical Hudna and Islamist Intolerance: Hudna is the first word used in Muslim history to mean cease-fire, specifically in the context of the seventh century Truce of al-Hudaybiyya. Named after a village outside Mecca, the truce came six years after Muhammad and his followers abandoned Mecca for Yathrib, today’s Medina. This move set a pattern of retreat followed by regrouping and...
Video: Jihad Sheilas (7 parts)
VIDEO: Jihad Sheilas (7 parts) A much talked about documentary on two Australian female converts to Islam and how they wholeheartedly embrace violent jihad against the West.
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Now it’s a teddy bear
Get the fire hoses. It’s riot time and another outbreak of Muslim over-reactiveness. Something’s got to control these thin-skinned freakazoids who are outraged – this time – over yet another inanimate object – this time, it’s a teddy bear. Gillian Gibbons, a teacher, 54, is spending her second night in a Sudanese prison, accused of insulting Muhammad. She faces...
Hamas Sets Standards for Music in Gaza
I really have to shake my head because there is no end to the stupidity and ignorance of the Hamas bastards. From Hamas Sets Standards for Music in Gaza: Salaheddin, a musician from Gaza City in his 50s, said: “I lead a group of 26 musicians – we play traditional Palestinian music. But for the last two months we haven’t been able to work.” “This group, Hamas...
Video: The Islamic Mein Kampf
For those of you who don’t believe that a pan-Arabic Islamic war against the West is real, and for those of you who already do, then watch this ten-minute audiovisual primer on the Iranian and Palestinian Holocaust threat, The Islamic Mein Kampf, sponsored by The Terrorism Awareness Project.
The Anti-Profiling Agenda
An excerpt from Robert Spencer’s The Anti-Profiling Agenda, via FrontPage: Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) has been named to the House Judiciary Committee. Ellison said in a statement: “I look forward to pursuing a progressive agenda in the committee, including the restoration of American citizen’s civil liberties that have come under increasing attack over the past six years.” The...