Cabinet votes 17-5 in favor of evacuating settlements

The cabinet voted 17-5 Sunday in favor of evacuating settlements in the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank.

Voting against the proposal were cabinet ministers Benjamin Netanyahu, Natan Sharansky, Danny Naveh, Tzachi Hanegbi, and Yisrael Katz.

The changes, which are in the area between the West Bank settlement of Elkana and the Judean Desert, leave some 7 percent of the West Bank, and some 10,000 Palestinians, on the Israeli side.

Government sources said the U.S. administration has accepted the new route of the separation fence.


May HaShem have mercy on each of us when He makes known His Wrath for the horrible and faithless act of these 17 men who voted for disengagement and who have betrayed the Jewish people.

May HaShem have mercy on all of us. ALL OF US have turned away from our brothers and sisters in Yesha and Gush Katif. Now we are done for.

I feel as if I, myself, have built a golden calf by being here, impotent, in the diaspora. What have I done? I did not do enough, that is certain.