
Zola Levitt died today

I am very sad, folks, for I have just heard the news that Zola Levitt, one of Israel’s greatest advocates, died today after battling a pernicious cancer.

The first time I ever heard of Joan Peters, author of “From Time Immemorial” was when I saw her interview with Zola Levitt on The Zola Levitt Show. It was there that I learned that when she first went to Israel to research her book, “From Time Immemorial”, she was pro-palestinian. Once she investigated the facts further, she learned the truth about the mythology of “Palestine” and became pro-Israel. Click here and here to watch a fascinating interview with Joan Peters and Zola Levitt.

Here is an extensive list of television shows produced by Zola Levitt, on subjects ranging from the menace of Islam, including interviews with Dr. Ergun Caner, Joan Peters, Joseph Farah, and Walid Shoebat, to archaelogy, terrorism and Israel’s history.

Zola, I love you. Rest in peace, soldier.