YMCA gets its just deserts

From Joseph Farah, an Arab-American and editor of World Net Daily (WND) :

I had one of those John Lennon moments myself last week, reading about the plan by Hamas to close down the YMCA in a town within the Palestinian Authority.

It seems Hamas is making good on its pledge to rid areas it controls of all Christians, Jews, Christian institutions, Jewish institutions and even, in the case of the YMCA, formerly Christian organizations eagerly running away from their Christian heritage and legacy.

Maybe someone needs to send the Islamists in Qalqiliya the memo explaining that the YMCA is “their friend.”

Years ago, the World Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Associations betrayed its mission and began giving a bad name to Christianity – particularly with regard to its relations in the Middle East.

The Geneva-based international association did everything in its power to win friends among the Arabs and blame the violence in the Mideast on the Jews. Back in 2001, the group issued a blistering one-sided 3,000-word report on the Middle East prepared by a staff member after a visit by representatives of Argentina, Italy, the Netherlands and Norway.

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