Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Wounds of Mohamed al Dura’s Father Date Back to 1992, Surgeon Reveals


Excerpted from Pajama Media:

Jamal al Dura, who claims that Israelis fired at him and his son in 2000, was in fact injured by axe blade and not bullets in1992, according to an Israeli surgeon who performed reconstructive surgery on the wounds two years later. PJM’s Nidra Poller reports on the latest startling development in the mother of all fauxtography cases:

The wounds purportedly sustained on September 30 2000 by Jamal al Dura “target of gunfire from the Israeli positions”—in the words of France 2 bureau chief Charles Enderlin—were in fact incurred in 1992. Jamal, identified as the father of Mohamed al Dura, is one of the two living witnesses to the incident that triggered the “Al Aqsa Intifada.” The al Dura news report has been the subject of controversy for seven years.

Philippe Karsenty, who is appealing his 2006 defamation conviction—for declaring on his Media-Ratings site that the al Dura news report was a blatant fake—obtained medical records proving that Jamal’s wounds were treated by an Israeli surgeonin 1994. Now the surgeon, Yehuda David, has confirmed this information on a December 12 newscast on Israel’s Arutz 10 TV.

Jean Tsadik of Metula News Agency resumed the Hebrew-language newscast for French-speaking readers. According to the Metula release, Jamal al Dura declared on medical records in 1992 that Palestinian militia had attacked him with axes.

Doctors at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital* were able to save his life buthe lost the use of his right hand because they could not repaira ruptured tendon in the forearm.

Now we learn that Jamal used the arm restored by Israeli surgeons to act out the blood libel that provoked the murderous rage that killed countless Israeli civilians, including courageous doctors who had treated Palestinians with the same generosity he experienced.

On November 14th lying scumbag Charles Enderlin stood before a French court and walked the judges through 18 minutes of raw footage filmed by Talal Abu Rahmah, including the 59-second al Dura shots. He had an explanation for every incongruity. When will he realize that he is walking down a gangplank?

* Images of a dead child “identified” as Mohamed al Dura but brought in several hours before the alleged shooting occurred, were shot at Shifa Hospital.

Pajamas Media has an AL DURA CHONOLOGY to give background on the hoax.

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By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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