Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

With Annapolis Approaching, Jewish Refugees Speak Up


I haven’t been able to bring myself to write about how Annapolis is going to be a disaster for Jews, for the Jewish Holy city of Jerusalem, and for the entire legitimate and sovereign nation of Israel, who will be cut, carved up, and savagely drawn and quartered by all the nations in the world. I can only bring myself to quote and paraphrase what has happened – and what will happen; it is just too painful to witness. From With Annapolis Approaching, Jewish Refugees Speak Up:

Jews originally from Arab countries demand a say at Annapolis, particularly in light of UN archives papers proving Arab plots against Jews in 1947.

Two organizations representing Jews originally from Arab countries demand to be heard at Annapolis – particularly in light of documents from the UN archives revealing official Arab collusion and laws against Jews back in 1947. Violence, arrests and confiscation of property were part of official policy towards Jews in several Arab countries, the papers show.

In addition, it is estimated that the 850,000 Jews who fled Arab countries after Israel’s founding in 1948 left behind assets currently worth more than $300 billion.

Heskel M. Haddad, president of the World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries, said last week that when the Palestinian Authority negotiators at Annapolis raise the issue of Arab refugees, the Israelis must remind them of the hundreds of thousands of Jews who left their homes and property in Arab countries.

In addition, Stanley Urman, executive director of Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC), says that justice cannot be served unless the forced exodus of Jewish refugees, and the conditions under which they left, are included on the agenda at the upcoming conference.The information on the Arab League’s official persecution of Jews has been long-known, even if not well-publicized. On May 16, 1948, the New York Times reported, “Already in some Moslem states such as Syria and Lebanon there is a tendency to regard all Jews as Zionist agents and ‘fifth columnists.’ There have been violent incidents with feeling running high. There are indications that the stage is being set for a tragedy of incalculable proportions. In Syria a policy of economic discrimination is in effect against Jews. ‘Virtually all’ Jewish civil servants in the employ of the Syrian Government have been discharged. Freedom of movement has been ‘practically abolished.’ Special frontier posts have been established to control movements of Jews. In Iraq no Jew is permitted to leave the country unless he deposits £5,000 ($20,000) with the Government to guarantee his return. No foreign Jew is allowed to enter Iraq even in transit. In Lebanon Jews have been forced to contribute financially to the fight against the United Nations partition resolution on Palestine. Acts of violence against Jews are openly admitted by the press, which accuses Jews of ‘poisoning wells,’ etc. Conditions… are worst in Yemen and Afghanistan, whence many Jews have fled in terror to India. Conditions in most of the countries have deteriorated in recent months, this being particularly true of Lebanon, Iran and Egypt.”

Please read the entire article here.

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By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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