Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Who is Avi Lewis?


Avi Lewis, a Jew, is the son of Stephen Lewis, Canada’s former ambassador to the United Nations and former head of Ontario’s socialist New Democratic Party. His mother, Michelle Landsberg, is a longtime columnist with Canada’s largest liberal daily, the Toronto Star. His grandfather, Stephen Lewis, once led the NDP party on the national level. He is married to radical author Naomi Klein.And now, having been a former host with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Lewis has joined Al-Jazeera, the Middle East broadcaster that serves as a leading purveyor of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism. Lewis’ main claim to fame (or, rather, infamy) was an interview he conducted with former Dutch parliamentarian and author Ayaan Hirsi Ali in June 2007. The segment quickly made Lewis, and by extension the CBC, a worldwide laughingstock. But instead of ending his broadcasting career, that interview may have served as Avi Lewis’s inadvertent “audition” for Al-Jazeera.As Kathy Shaidle writes in FrontPage Magazine, Avi Lewis has now “gone to work for a network that actively supports the destruction of the culture that made his career possible.”Click here to read all about Al-Jazeera’s rising Jewish star.

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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