Hat tip to (The) Raphi:
The whole world seems to be eager to establish a new sovereign state called “Palestine” east of the Jordan River. In fact, much of the world already assumes that this state already exists, because there are so many references to it on maps, in brochures, on web sites and in reference books.
It is difficult to comprehend the enthusiasm for establishing this state, when there is no evidence that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is willing or able to join the family of nations as a responsible, democratic and peaceful state.
1. Where is the evidence that the PA is capable of holding free and democratic elections to establish a representative government?
2. Where is the evidence that the PA is capable of collecting taxes and distributing the funds appropriately where it is needed?
3. Where is the evidence that the PA can issue passports and visas in a responsible manner?
4. Where is the evidence that the PA can live in peaceful coexistence with its neighbors?
5. Where is the evidence that the PA will devote efforts to developing commerce, technology, and education to enhance the quality of life for its citizens?
6. Where is the evidence that the PA will respect the environment of its historically rich landscape?
7. Where is the evidence that the PA will respect the rights of all religions and ethnic groups living within its borders?
8. Where is the evidence that the PA will respect the religious, historical and archeological sites within its borders?
9. Where is the evidence that the PA can establish a responsible a police force that will promote peace and security among its citizens?
10. Where is the evidence that the PA can provide security for planes and ships entering and leaving its ports?
11. Where is the evidence that the PA can develop, import, and maintain munitions in a responsible manner?
12. Where is the evidence that the PA will respect and provide for the needs of children?
13. Where is the evidence that the PA can be accountable for the money that it receives and spends?
14. Where is the evidence that the PA government will attend to the needs of its citizens?
15. Where is the evidence that the PA can form a stable government with elected leaders that feel safe from assassination by insurgents?
16. Where is the evidence that the PA can contain Islamic militants and prevent them from drawing Israel and the USA into another Middle East war?
This list can go on and on, but there is only one answer. There is no evidence whatsoever that these things will occur in a state operated by the PA or any other Palestinian group. In fact, all the evidence available is to the contrary. A Palestinian state would become another uncivilized, barbaric, autocratic, corrupt, racist state, similar to 20 other Islamic states in that region.
Now that we know what’s going on in Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya and Iraq, why is the world so eager to establish another state that could easily become another powder keg that would endanger world peace, stability and security? I have no answer to this.
Perhaps the wise men who promote the Geneva Understandings and other designs for a Palestinian state could explain this to me. I would really appreciate it, because I can’t figure it out. Since I am a reasonably intelligent and educated person, there must be a lot of other people who don’t understand this either. I think the UN, EU and other supporters of a Palestinian State need to provide us with some answers.