Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

We told you so: Fatah leader: If Not for Oslo There Would Have Been No Intifada


Peres, Beilin, Pundak, and their accomplices, should be tried for treason:

[Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA: Yes. Those who supported Oslo were profoundly mistaken. There is nothing that Ziyad Abu ‘Ein is quoted saying below that opponents of Oslo didn’t say at the time that Oslo was debated.]

The following are excerpts from an interview with Ziyad Abu ‘Ein, member of the Fatah leadership, which aired on Al-Alam TV on July 4, 2006:


*Clip # 1205 – Ziyad Abu ‘Ein, Member of Fatah Leadership: If Not for the Oslo Accords, There Would Have Been No Intifada

Ziyad Abu ‘Ein: The Oslo Accords were not what the Palestinian people dreamt of. The dream of the Palestinian people is the return, self-determination, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, and the liberation of its land. However, there would have been no resistance in Palestine if not for Oslo. It was Oslo that strongly embraced the Palestinian resistance. All the occupied territories – and I was one of the activists in the first and second Intifadas, and I was arrested by Israel several times… If not for Oslo, there would have been no resistance. Throughout the occupied territories, we could not move a single pistol from one place to another. If not for Oslo, the weapons we got through Oslo, and if not for the “A” areas of the Palestinian Authority, if not for the training, the camps, the protection provided by Oslo, and if not for the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners through Oslo – this Palestinian resistance could not have carried out this great Palestinian Intifada, with which we confronted the Israeli occupation.TO VIEW THIS CLIP:

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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