Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Using charming children’s characters to teach hate and violence


From Palestinian Media Watch:

Hamas rabbit to children: “I’ll finish off the Jews and eat them!” by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook.

Click here to watch the video: Using charming children’s characters to teach hate and violence

Farfur (Mickey Mouse) was beaten to death by an israeli policeman Nahul the Bee died when the Israeli “siege” of Gaza prevented him from reaching a hospital Now there’s a new character for Tomorrow’s Pioneers, Assud the Rabbit

A girl asks the Hamas rabbit: “Why is your name ‘Assud’ [“lion”], since you are a rabbit?”

Assud, the rabbit: “A rabbit is a [term] for a bad person and coward. And I, Assud, will finish off the Jews and eat them. ” The girl hostess agrees: “Allah Willing!”

This was part of a children’s broadcast on Hamas Television this week. The program is called Tomorrow’s Pioneers, which previously featured a fuzzy Mickey Mouse character named Farfur and a cute bee named Nahul. We’ve learned from previous episodes of the program that both Farfur and Nahul were “martyred” by Israelis. In the latest episode, we learn that Assud, the new rabbit character, has come from Lebanon “in order to return to the homeland and liberate it.” Later in the show Assud and the child hostess discuss the eventual conquering of Tel-Aviv through terror.

Assud: “Do you know what the original name of our city … Tel Aviv!”

Hostess: “It’s our city: Tel-Rabia… but the Zionists today call it Tel Aviv, but it will stay ours… and we will return with Allah’s will“.

Assud: “How will we go to our city if the Jews took it?”

Hostess: “We will continue the resistance (terror).

The program ends with singing: “We will never recognize Israel”

And the hostess emphasizes: “until we liberate our homeland from the Zionist filth“.
[Palestinian Television, Al-Aksa channel (Hamas), Feb 8 2008].

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By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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