Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

U.S. recognizes Jewish State


Sunday May 16, 1948

WASHINGTON (May 16) — Ten minutes after the termination of the British Mandate on Friday, the White House released a formal statement by President Truman that the U.S. Government intended to recognize the Provisional Jewish Government as the de facto authority representing the Jewish State.

The U.S. is also considering lifting the arms embargo but it is not known whether to Palestine only or to the entire Middle East, and the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Jewish Provisional Government.

The White House press secretary, Mr. Charles Ross, told correspondents today that reaction so far to the recognition had been overwhelmingly favorable. He said this step had been discussed with Mr. Marshall and Mr. Lovett before action was taken, and it had their complete support.

Mr. Ross said that the President had decided several days ago to grant American recognition to the Jewish State, but due to protocol regulations he could not announce his policy until a formal letter arrived. “We were able to move very quickly when the messenger brought the letter,” he said, “because the President had already determined the course of action to be taken.”

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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