Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

U.S. Assistance to the Palestinians


$40 million of previously authorized assistance is being reprogrammed from funds currently reserved for a Gaza seawater desalination facility.

Assistance will not be provided directly to the PA but will be channeled through NGOs using existing mechanisms.

* $7.3 million for higher education and training

* $8.9 million for community services, including youth programs and job creation

* $7.9 million for private sector development

* $3 million for primary health care

* $13.9 million for water infrastructure – wells, pipelines

An additional $200 million will be targeted for financing home construction in Gaza, expanding education opportunities, developing economic infrastructure, helping to improve the Palestinian social safety net, and improving the flow of people and goods between Israel and the West Bank and Gaza.

U.S. Assistance to the Palestinians – The State Department

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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