Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

UN Watch to Rights Council: Durban II Draft ‘Breaches Red Lines’


Muslims continue to dictate public policy by throwing temper tantrums about the so-called “defamation of Islam” while ignoring its own 100 year long villification of Jews and Israel. Via UN Watch:

A “non-paper” published by the planners of next year’s UN conference on racism already singles out Israel and breaches Europe’s red lines, UN Watch told the UN Human Rights Council this week.

The Durban Review Conference, set for next April in Geneva, will be a highly visible, amply funded, well-advertised and well-attended gathering that will focus the world’s attention on the West’s defamation of Islam and racial discrimination against its adherents, as well as on Israel’s racist persecution of Palestinians. At least that was the demand of Islamic states and their allies expressed at the Council’s debate on Tuesday.

Pakistan for the Islamic group and Egypt for the African group called for addressing “new and emerging manifestations of racism” — i.e., the so-called “defamation of Islam” — in what would amount to reopening, instead of reviewing, the 2001 Durban Declaration. They demanded the UN give the conference more funding, more media exposure, more staff, and more NGO delegates. More Durban.

Pakistan further called for alterations in international human rights law to curb freedom of speech deemed offensive to Islamic sensitivities. It complained of “boycotts and the threat of disengagement” from the conference. Egypt, meanwhile, slammed the “glaring institutional weakness” of the UN bureaucrats charged with servicing the conference.

Algeria and Azerbaijan urged the conference to address the victims of “foreign occupation” — i.e., the alleged victims of Israeli racism.

For full UN summary, click here.

Click for video of UN Watch speech.

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By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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