Utter hypocrisy, folks; the same day the UN once again essentially condemned Israel for its treatment of Palestinians, it put out the following announcement on its website: UN to upgrade security at New York Headquarters
The United Nations is set to begin a slate of projects – including the construction a new perimeter fence – to bolster safety and security measures at its New York Headquarters.
The fence that currently runs along First Avenue will be replaced and new gates installed, and the lighting and surveillance systems along the perimeter will be enhanced to deter unauthorized entry, according to UN spokesman Fred Eckhard.
The perimeter fence currently present at First Avenue was not part of the initial design for UN Headquarters, Mr. Eckhard noted. It was added later, in consultation with New York City’s Parks Department, to be compatible with the fences that encircle other city parks.
The new fence was designed by the Parks Department, and personally approved by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, he added.
Trailers will be moved onto the complex’s North Lawn tomorrow as a staging area for the security and construction work to be performed in the coming months.