Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

To Hell With Muslim Outrage


Well, folks, looks like it’s time to whip out my original post “To Hell With Arab Outrage” that I wrote back in 2004 and give it another great ride. This time I swapped out “Arabs” and replaced it with “Muslims” because let’s be realistic – does a leopard ever change its spots?

Muslims are “outraged” over the humiliation of their prophet at the hands of a few cartoonists.

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when necrophiliacs in Fallujah mutilated four American soldiers by stepping on their burnt skulls and hung their burnt bodies from a bridge?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when “palestinians” mutilated and dragged the bodies of two IDF soldiers in Ramallah?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when 19 Muslims blew up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/01?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when Muslims continue to slaughter Sudanese Christians?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when Muslims blew up Pan Am Flight 103?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when Muslims bombed the marine barracks in Lebanon killing 241 Americans in 1983?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when Muslims bombed the USS COLE ?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when Muslims bombed the American embassies in Africa killing 231 people?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when Abu Mazen engineered the “Black September” Terror Attack during the Munich Olympics, which killed 11 Israeli athletes and a U.S. citizen ?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when ABu Abbas threw the wheel-chair bound Leon Klinghoffer overboard on the Achille Lauro?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when “Palestinian” rioters torched the Jewish-only Joseph’s Tomb ?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when the Taliban blew up the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when simultaneous blasts rocked two of downtown Istanbul’s synagogues killing at least 15 people and wounding at least 140?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when “Palestinians” handed out candies celebrating the deaths of 3000 Americans on 9-11-01?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when Jemaah Islamiyah suicide bombers killed 12 people and injured 150 at the J.W. Marriott in Jakarta, Indonesia?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when bomb attacks in Morocco killed at least 28 people and injure more than 100?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when suicide bombers killed 12 people at an Israeli-owned beach hotel in Kenya and two missiles narrowly miss an airliner carrying Israelis?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when nearly 200 people, including seven Americans, were killed in bombings in a nightclub district of the Indonesian island of Bali?

Where were these “outraged” Muslims when 300,000 Iraqi’s bodies were found in mass graves?

Where was their indignation, folks? You know where? NOWHERE.

It was nowhere because Muslims outrage when someone non-Muslims is a victim, does not exist, it does not rate. Why? Because the Muslims culture knows nothing but how to be proud and arrogant. The culture is a cohesive political glob of people united simply by political identity and not at all by morality.

It’s time for the rest of us, who DO know the difference between right and wrong, to tell the world that these “outraged” idiots are too pathetic to warrant any sympathy from the rest of us.

We’re waiting for these “outraged” Muslims to get up the manhood to be disgusted BY THEIR OWN people for the disgusting crimes they have committed against others.

Then we’ll shed a tear.

About the author

Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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