Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel Zarqawi Planning U.S. Hit? — Mar. 21, 2005


From Time Magazine:

Two weeks after intelligence officials confirmed that Osama bin Laden had sent a message to Jordanian-born terrorist Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi, urging him to plan attacks on U.S. soil, details are emerging from one of al-Zarqawi’s lieutenants about what the man behind many of the terrorist attacks in Iraq could have in mind. Intelligence officials tell TIME that interrogation of a member of al-Zarqawi’s organization, who was taken into U.S. custody last year and has been described as a top aide, indicates that al-Zarqawi has given ample consideration to assaults on the American homeland. According to a restricted bulletin that circulated among U.S. security agencies last week, the interrogated aide said al-Zarqawi has talked about hitting “soft targets” in the U.S., which could include “movie theaters, restaurants and schools.

Folks, what else is new? So muslims want to kill more Americans while we sit in our darkened movie theaters, to further their imperialism and fascism. We can play that game just as well, if not better. The ONLY thing these piglet Jihadists respect is the use of force. The next time muslims kill ONE American here or in their fly-ridden deserts, we should NOT hesitate to obliterate their mosques, round up their kkkomrades, and blow them all away. Zarqawi Planning U.S. Hit? — Mar. 21, 2005

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Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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