From The Time Is Now — Israel And The West On The Brink:
Just this month a London hairdresser refused to cut “the hair of a Jew” (a woman who had frequented the salon for a decade) and 20 Jewish shops were vandalized in Rome. Anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist, and anti-American marches (not to mention terrorist attacks against trains and buses and plots against airlines) continue unabated in every major European capital. Placards read: “Europe is the Cancer. Islam is the Answer”; “Europe You Will Pay, Your 9/11 Is on Its Way”; and “Be Prepared for the Real Holocaust.”
And it’s not just Europe: Dislike, if not open hatred, for Israel, coupled with the belief in an evil Zionist lobby, is rampant on American campuses, within certain quarters of the American State Department, and among the progressive and mainstream media. This month in Washington, D.C., ten-year-old Arab-American girls chanted pro-Hizbullah slogans.
Religious Zionists will never give up on Israel; I doubt secular Israelis will either. I certainly won’t. And Israeli soldiers are absolutely willing and able to fight. But the exhaustion and the danger are real and must be factored in. We must weigh every option, make all kinds of contingency plans, be prepared to act on all fronts – simultaneously, if need be.