The Internet giant Google will give news agency status to the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), according to an anonymous source at Google. If true, the ISM-an affiliate of the anarchist/communist wing of the PLO would be on par with professional news services such as CNN, Fox, and Associated Press. In addition, the Palestinian Authority has announced through its WAFA news agency that the ISM will be given an official license as a separate news agency, according it the same media status as the news giants.
It is not for balanced news coverage that the ISM is known. Although styling itself as a “peace group,” the ISM is in fact a vigorously anti-Israel group, notorious for bringing anti-Israel activists from around the world to the Holy Land. By its own admission, the ISM has plainclothes Palestinian “handlers” guiding ISM activities against anti-terror operations in the West Bank and Gaza, including providing cover for stone throwers. (An Ethiopian Jewish-Israeli soldier was killed in a stone throwing incident just three weeks ago, and another Israeli soldier lost an eye.) The ISM’s ill-concealed mission, meanwhile, is to provide cover for Palestinian terrorist activities while frustrating the anti-terror operations of the Israeli army.
Read the rest of this article, here.
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