Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Teaching pre-schoolers to kill Jews. Yup, pre-schoolers.


Last month at the Jerusalem Summit, there was a remarkable three-day gathering that brought together Daniel Pipes, Alan Keyes, Morton Klein, Cal Thomas, Richard Perle. It brought together all the activists in Israel, Knesset members like Effie Eitam, and Mordechai Alon, Uzi Landau, Ehud Olmert. And representatives of 300 million pro-Israel Christians like Michael D. Evans of the Christian Coalition. The speakers were inspiring and one of the most startling presentations was that of Itamar Marcus, of Palestinian Media Watch, who showed the participants film clips of shocking music videos created to encourage Palestinian pre-schoolers to hate Jews, deny Israel’s right to exist, and encourage them to blow themselves up.

Click here to watch the actual video that was presented, which even astounded Hilary Clinton.

It is important to note that the PA is making use of foreign funding to promote this hatred among its children. Summer camps named for suicide bombers this summer were funded by UNICEF. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 22, 2003, Al-Ayyam July 18, 2003, Al-Quds, July 23, 2003]. Renovation of a school named for Dalal Maghrabi, a terrorist who participated in the murder of 36 including an American, was funded by USAID [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida July 30 2002]. And whereas the PA announced two days later that they had changed the name, in order to receive the USAID funding, PA press reports indicated that the name was still being used. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, August 16, 2002]

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By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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