Sponsored by Aish.com: In 1785, the earliest known Yiddish letter from America was sent from Philadelphia to London. Yiddish is a colloquial mixture of German and Hebrew, and came to be the spoken language of much of European Jewry. Following the influx of Jewish immigrants to America, Yiddish was a language increasingly heard on the streets of New York, and in 1925 New York alone had seven daily newspapers printed in Yiddish. According to the U.S. census of 1940, 1.75 million Jews spoke Yiddish at home. Today, Yiddish words like chutzpah, klutz, schmaltz and schlep have crept into mainstream English
Read More +Received by email:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A request for assistance from those knowledgeable in Yiddish culture and history. A rather tendentious Wikipedia headed Doctor’s plot really could use some editing by people who have information as well as insights into this matter. While purporting to be a scholarly academic wikipedia entry, it appears to be, alas, a quite tendentious opinionated entry. See here: http://en.wikipedia%20.org/wiki/%20Doctors%27_%20plot. This entry begins thus: The Doctors’ plot (Russian language: дело врачей (doctors’ affair), врачи-вредители (doctors-saboteurs) or врачи-убийцы (doctors-killers)) was an alleged conspiracy to eliminate the leadership of the Soviet Union by means of Jewish doctors poisoning top leadership. After
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