A few problems with Wikipedia’s Jewish/Yiddish entries


Received by email:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A request for assistance from those knowledgeable in Yiddish culture and history. A rather tendentious Wikipedia headed Doctor’s plot really could use some editing by people who have information as well as insights into this matter. While purporting to be a scholarly academic wikipedia entry, it appears to be, alas, a quite tendentious opinionated entry. See here: http://en.wikipedia%20.org/wiki/%20Doctors%27_%20plot. This entry begins thus: The Doctors’ plot (Russian language: дело врачей (doctors’ affair), врачи-вредители (doctors-saboteurs) or врачи-убийцы (doctors-killers)) was an alleged conspiracy to eliminate the leadership of the Soviet Union by means of Jewish doctors poisoning top leadership. After

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