More heartache for the Arad family, may HaShem comfort them. The pathetic global observers of the drama, tragedy and catastrophe in the middle east only weep for thieving Arabs, yet the most grievous of victims are Israelis, for whom noone in the global community cries. May HaShem comfort the Arad family and may HaShem avenge the murder of Ron Arad and impart punishment upon all those who weep...
Hussein’s Trial Sees Videotapes of Chemical Attacks on Kurds
Images of villagers dying from a chemical attack on Kurds were shown in Baghdad on Tuesday at the trial of Saddam Hussein. Hussein is facing charges of genocide in connection with the deaths of 50,000 Kurds in a campaign that ultimately killed 180,000 Kurds in the 1980s. Shot in April 1987 and May 1988, the videotape shows attack helicopters flying low over the mountains as villagers scatter...