A small word of advice for Samir Kuntar. Ask your comrades in the PLO and Hizbullah what was the ultimate fate of various killers of Israelis and Jews years after they thought their actions were forgotten. For example, what happened to the killers of Israel’s athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics and their masterminds? The last of them died in unnatural circumstances 24 years after that...
The Golan Heights and the Syrian-Israeli Negotiations
By Dore Gold 1) Israeli negotiators will quickly discover three core areas in their discussions with the Syrians that they will not resolve easily: delineation of an agreed boundary, security arrangements, and the Syrian-Iranian alliance.2) Just prior to the outbreak of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Syria deployed 1,400 tanks along the border against a total Israeli force of 177 tanks (a force ratio...
Forty Years Later, Doing Nothing Is the Best Policy
From Forty Years Later, Doing Nothing Is the Best Policy: In this week’s torrent of 40th anniversary recollections about the Six-Day War, one TV image cut straight to the chase: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia staring into a camera to say, “The essential point remains the total elimination of Israel.” The king’s statement of principles was captured in “Six Days in...