Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagWhat happened in 1978?

Muslims murdered innocent Jews 30 years ago too

On March 11th 1978, Israel was once again attacked when Muslim barbarians hijacked a bus and went on a rampage that left 35 dead and 100 injured. 30 years later, it is evident that it is not occupation that is the root cause of Muslim terrorism, but rather Islam itself that is the root cause of Muslim terrorism.On the 11th of March, 1978, a Muslim terrorist cell from Lebanon infiltrated into...

Arab crimes

Arabs, Jew-hating Europeans and the unfit talking-heads over at the UN only care about brutality when they believe it is done by Jews, but they are 100% complacent when worse brutality occurs by Arabs. The thousands upon thousands of Arabs who languish in Syrian prisons, such as the torture chamber of Palmyra is never brought up as a subject, nor how the PLO utterly destroyed Lebanon by...

What was the Litani River Operation?

Using Lebanon as a base, Palestinian fighters mounted intermittent cross-border attacks against civilian and military targets in Israel. There were also international terrorist spectaculars, e.g., the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, perpetrated by groups based in Lebanon. In turn, the Israelis struck back at targets and groups across the border in Lebanon from time to time.After the March 11, 1978...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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