The real son of apes and pigs, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is oiling his Muslim War Machine. Iran has test-fired nine long- and medium-range missiles, including a Shahab 3, which it previously said could reach Israel and U.S. bases in the region, and yesterday, the stupid ape called for U.S. military bases across the world to be “eradicated.” “The military bases in the whole world...
Exclusive: Hizballah received 35 new Iranian speedboats shortly before current crisis
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that three weeks before Hezballah seized western Beirut, the Shiite terrorist group took delivery of 35 fast speedboats for use with explosives from Iran. The craft can threaten US Sixth Fleet and Israel Navy shipping close to Lebanese shores, reach Israel’s Haifa and Ashdod Mediterranean ports and raid its coastal oil installations. The speedboats...
Army Prepares Public for Missile Attack
While the IDF does not foresee a war in the immediate future, the Home Front Command launched an unprecedented media campaign on Sunday. From Army Prepares Public for Missile Attack via Daily Alert: Brochures are being mailed to homes across the country explaining to civilians how to prepare for missile onslaughts against Israel. The campaign also includes a number of radio and television...
The Next War with Hizbullah
The IDF could have crippled the Hezbollah bastards, if they weren’t so worried about world opinion. From Strategic Assessment/Institute for National Security Studies-Tel Aviv University, The Next War with Hizbullah: Hizbullah’s main operational goal prior to the July 2006 war was to conduct a war of attrition against the Israeli home front. Hizbullah invested most of its efforts in...
Lebanon Troops Fire on Israeli Planes
From Lebanon Troops Fire on Israeli Planes: Lebanese troops opened fire Thursday on Israeli warplanes flying low over southern Lebanon, the first time the Lebanese army has fired on the aircraft since an Aug. 14, 2006, cease-fire, Lebanese officials said. Lebanese soldiers opened up with machine guns and light anti-aircraft weapons mounted on armored vehicles at two planes that flew east of...
Report: Dozens dead in Syrian chemical weapons experiment
Dozens of Syrian military officers and Iranian engineers were killed about two months ago in an a chemical weapons accident, Jane’s Magazine reported Monday, revealing new details on the incident which took place in a secret weapons facility. According to the report by the British magazine, the explosion occurred early in the morning on July 26, in a factory in the city of Halab, as the...
Muslims threatening Muslims
Islam steeps itself further into its own muck, and has no shame in promising to kill more and more and more. From AP: Osama bin Laden will release a new message soon declaring war on Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf, al-Qaida announced Thursday. The announcement of the upcoming message came as al-Qaida released a new video in which bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, boasted that...
Al Hamed vessel visited Tartous monthly with “cement”
Records on a North Korean ship docked in Syria have been altered. Online databases tracking a ship reportedly flying a North Korean flag that docked in Syria have changed their records following a report in The Washington Post linking the alleged Israeli air strike in Syria to a North Korean shipment. The mysterious Al Hamed vessel visited Tartous monthly with “cement”. Why is this...