Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagWalid Shoebat

The Three Ex-Terrorists Speech at UC Irvine

Three former terrorists Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani spoke last week to 1,300 people at the Orange County, California campus at UC Irvine. An excerpt from Lee Kaplan’s The Three Ex-Terrorists Speech at UC Irvine: Walid Shoebat then spoke about Western misperceptions of the roots of terrorism. He explained how in speaking abroad, from Chile to Mexico to the UK, he was told...

Walid Shoebat appearing at UC Davis

Walid Shoebat is a former PLO terrorist who gave up jihad and is now a peace activist. He will be speaking at UC Davis on February 6th, 2007, at 7 pm at Freeborn Hall on campus, and a standing room only crowd is anticipated. Walid Shoebat has appeared on all major news outlets including Fox, MSNBC, CNN and international news shows and countless radio interviews. In addition, he has spoken at most...

History repeats itself, with Canada’s help

Forwarded from Page-by-Page in Jewish History, from The National Post, March 14, 2004: In 1939, when the Nazi program to kill the Jews of Europe was well underway, 907 desperate German Jews aboard the S.S. St. Louis requested sanctuary in Canada. The Liberal prime minister of the day, Mackenzie King — who had previously flirted with Adolf Hitler and declared him to be “one who truly...

Palestinian Christians: Victims, Not Partners by Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer interviewed Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist who has become a Christian and has recently been speaking out against jihad ideology. He confirmed something Spencer discussed in Onward Muslim Soldiers that this talk of tolerance and non-violence is often cultivated by radical Muslims as part of a larger tactical strategy. In the Palestinian Authority, this strategy involved the...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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