Official anti-Semitism erupts in Venezuela


Via Engage: Since election of the left-wing populist Chavez in 1998, Venezuela has witnessed a proliferation of virulently anti-Israel and anti-Zionist propaganda, frequently entwined with nakedly anti-Jewish slogans. Antisemitic ranting is not confined to government circles but is spread throughout the mass media. For example, in the Diario VEA newspaper, as recently as 20 September, the hardcore antisemite Basem Tajeldine raved: “The Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis was directed to eliminate the social basis of Judaism that believed in assimilation with the Europeans, the low class majority of Jews”. The ideological affinity and the great ties of collaboration that existed

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Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Veers into Anti-Semitism


On Christmas eve, Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez drifted into anti-Semitism. “A minority, the descendents of the same ones that crucified Christ…has taken possession of all of the wealth of the world.” Chavez has established an alliance with the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has long been the leading state sponsor of terrorism internationally and against Israel. When then Iranian President Mohammed Khatami visited Caracas in March 2005, Chavez voiced his support for Iran’s nuclear program.

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Why is President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela so dangerous for Jews?


Folks, back in January 2005, I wrote about a raid on the only Jewish day school in Caracas, Venezuela which took place on November 29, 2004. Here’s what happened, from JTA: On that morning, 25 government investigators, some of them armed and hooded, intercepted busloads of kids and turned them away. Pandemonium broke loose as confused parents attempted to leave the school through the narrow driveway. Other panicked parents, whose kids were already inside the school, tried desperately to gain access. A couple of dozen children were locked inside, the preschoolers in one room and the older children in another.

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What is happening in Venezuela?


Folks, hat tip to Gindy, over at, who has raised an alarm by asking: “Can you name a modern non-Muslim country that uses it’s police to raid a Jewish school with the specific purpose of terrifying and alienating it’s students and community at large?” The answer: Venezuela. Folks, the following article shocked me: From JTA: None of the 1,500 children at the only Jewish day school in Caracas, Venezuela, will forget drop-off on the morning of Nov. 29 [2004]. On that morning, 25 government investigators, some of them armed and hooded, intercepted busloads of kids and turned them away.

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