Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagUnited Nations

Where’s Hamas? The glaring omission in the UN’s latest anti-Israel report

Via Washington Examiner: In a particularly one-sided anti-Israel report on Thursday, researchers for the United Nations found that Israel likely committed war crimes during its security operations at the Gaza-Israel border last summer. Shockingly, the report includes only one mention of Hamas in a negative sense. But judged against the abundant evidence of Hamas malfeasance at the border last...

Israel: UN Human Rights Council Report on Gaza “Was Born in Sin”

Via MFA.GOV.IL: The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson said Thursday: “Israel utterly rejects the report published by the Commission of Inquiry of the UN Human Rights Council. This report was born in sin, in a politically biased, one-sided resolution that determined the outcome before the investigation even started. This report was written by three individuals that lack any...

US weighs UN funding cuts after Palestinians join agencies

Via StraitsTimes: The U.S. is considering whether to cut funding to UN agencies after the Palestinians joined three UN organizations last week, a U.S. official said on Wednesday. The PA joined the trade development organization UNCTAD, the industrial development agency UNIDO, and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). U.S. legislation bars funding for UN agencies or...

New Report Gives UN Rights Chief Mixed Reviews on Confronting Rights Violators

A performance evaluation on Louise Arbour. It ain’t pretty. Excerpted from UN Watch: A new study on Louise Arbour’s performance as UN rights chief gives her mixed reviews on confronting violators, and urges her replacement, Navanethem Pillay, to adopt a stronger approach toward UN heavyweights such as China, Russia and Egypt. The Right to Name and Shame, a 48-page report by UN Watch...

Iran Becomes Member of Durban II Inner Drafting Circle

EYEontheUN reports that Iran has become a member of the “Group of Friends of the Chair”, an informal group of states charged with taking the first steps towards producing a Durban II manifesto. Anne Bayefsky, Editor of EYEontheUN says: “the travesty of Durban II as a vehicle for getting serious about combating racism is more obvious than ever, as a regime whose President is a...

Backstabbers at the UN

From UN Peacekeepers Salute Hizbullah Terrorists: Israel is calling for removal of two UN soldiers from Lebanon after photographs surfaced of the soldiers saluting the coffins of Hizbullah terrorists during a prisoner exchange last week. Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Dan Gillerman, said he was “shocked and horrified” by the photograph and that it was time for the saluting...

UN Human Rights Council: Petition Against UN Incitement to Terrorism

More evidence of human rights frauds as of June 16, 2008: Petition Presented Against UN Incitement to Terrorism A UN report to the Human Rights Council by Special Rapporteur John Dugard disregards international legal standards against terrorism and excuses the killing of innocents. We call upon the United Nations to withdraw this discreditable report from circulation. Watch the...

UN Declares Islamic Shari’a Taboo

This is stunning and quite good news. This article excerpted below is evidence of the United Nations’ redirection away from its typical penchant to lean towards Muslimania. This is good for all of us, for all of civilization. From UN Watch: From now on, all references to human rights violations related to Islamic Shar’ia law are prohibited in the chamber of the UN Human Rights Council. So...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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