Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

UN Reforms Needed for Palestinian Refugees

Via Washington Times: # Our next president should focus on reforming the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). For nearly 60 years, UNRWA has perpetuated opinions among the Palestinians that could hardly be better calculated to impoverish and embitter them, and subvert the achievement of the two-state solution that Annapolis envisaged. # UNRWA’s very existence promotes...

Palestinians Have Avoided Opportunities for Statehood

Just repeating the facts that prove Palestinian Arabs have never wanted peace with Israel. From Palestinians Have Avoided Opportunities for Statehood: The Palestinians [Arabs], backed and at times manipulated by the Arab world, have done nearly everything possible to avoid setting up their own state. They:1) rejected UN Resolution 181 in 1947 and attacked Israel, thereby precipitating war and...

UN Secretary-General Orders Probe of Rocket Launching from Gaza School

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has asked for a full investigation of an incident in which Palestinian scum fired rockets at Israel from a UN-run school in Gaza However, Ki-moon did not condemn the attempted murder of Jews. Israeli officials said the statement failed to mention potential victims on the other side of the border or to make a direct reference the November 2 incident...

Ten Ways Israel Is Treated Differently

From Ten Ways Israel Is Treated Differently: First, Israel is the only UN member state whose very right to exist is under constant challenge. Notwithstanding the fact that Israel was created with the imprimatur of the UN and has been a member of the world body since 1949, there is a relentless chorus of nations, institutions and individuals denying Israel’s very political legitimacy. No one...

What did the Palestinians do with their “Marshall Plan”?

From Maariv-Hebrew, 5 Jan07: The Palestinians have bought themselves a place of honor on the list of unfortunates in the world. A well-oiled public relations campaign has turned them into a nation of victims. Misery pays. One of the countries hated by the Palestinians the most, the United States, has since 1993 helped them more than any other nation in the world, according to World Bank figures...

Smooth’s Question and Answer segment

Q: When is a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists at civilian population centers in Israel not really dangerous? A: When it is “homemade”. Yup, that’s what United Nations Relief and Works Agency Commissioner-General Karen Koning Abu Zayd, based in Gaza, said on November 21, 2006. Her bio. Here is the response to her detestable comment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Who...

NGO Monitor: Politics or Altruism: An Analysis of Palestinian Children’s NGO’s

Omri wants us to get our snark back on. Count me in, Omri, I’m on it. To my Jewish readers, I don’t know if you shared the same experience yesterday during your Yom Kippor synagogue services, but my rabbi pointed out to our congregation how important it is to do tzedakeh. Tzedakeh is Righteousness manifested through charitable donations. Tzedakeh is a rabbinical and Biblical...

UNWRA is funding terrorism

In a letter to Secretary of State Rice on Thursday, Congressmen Steve Rothman (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) accused UNRWA of distributing funds to terrorist organizations and called for “stricter oversight” of the more than $100 million in U.S. foreign aid provided to UN humanitarian programs each year. “We know that Hamas supports the indiscriminate killing of civilians. We know...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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