The excellent Hugh Fitzgerald dissects Egypt’s mask and reveals the wolf in sheep’s clothing. From Fitzgerald: How can Egypt explain? ‘Unclear how, if at all, Egypt can explain this’ — from this article How, since the Camp David Accords were signed, can Egypt explain the following: Despite its solemn commitment to end all hostile propaganda and to encourage friendly...
20 Years of Research Reveals: Jerusalem Belongs to Jews
From Jacques Gauthier, a non-Jewish Canadian lawyer who spent 20 years researching the legal status of Jerusalem, has concluded: “Jerusalem belongs to the Jews, by international law.” Gauthier has written a doctoral dissertation on the topic of Jerusalem and its legal history, based on international treaties and resolutions of the past 90 years. The dissertation runs...
UN Resolution 242 (Land for Peace): Setting the Record Straight
From UN Resolution 242 (Land for Peace): Setting the Record Straight: Many assume that UN Resolutions 242 and 338 call for a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-Six-Day-War lines (the lines of June 4, 1967) and establish the principle of land-for-peace to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. Both assumptions are incorrect. The essence of Resolution 242 is that Israel is allowed to remain in the...
Forgotten Legal Rights
From Forgotten Legal Rights: After most armed conflicts, the international community has sought to re-establish the status quo ante – the previous situation – as part of a political settlement. However, many aspects of the prewar status quo in 1967 were untenable, if not illegal. Jordan and Egypt previously occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a result of an invasion by the Arab...