Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Smuggling tunnels

As long as the rats continue to smuggle weaponry from Egypt into Gaza to be used to kill Israelis, Israel will be justified in killing the smugglers, the Gazan Arabs and anyone else who is involved in the genocide of the Jewish people. As long as the US government refuses to recognize the threat that these tunnels represent to Israel, America better keep its mouth shut about Israel following any...

Egypt Says It Caught Palestinian Suicide Bomber Headed for Israel

From Egypt Says It Caught Palestinian Suicide Bomber Headed for Israel: Three Palestinians caught entering Egypt through a tunnel from Gaza this month are members of an al-Qaeda-inspired group who planned to enter Israel to carry out suicide attacks, Egyptian police sources said on Tuesday. One of the men was wearing explosives around his waist and the group also had other explosives and hand...

Gaza Tunnel Smugglers Grow Under Hamas:

From Gaza Tunnel Smugglers Grow Under Hamas: The southern Gaza town of Rafah has long been a key conduit for underground weapons-smuggling – mostly controlled by a handful of local clans. With closure of Gaza’s borders in the wake of Hamas militants’ violent seizure of the territory in June, more and more smugglers are taking a piece of the action. Smugglers find themselves...

Explosive-Filled Tunnels Targeting Abbas Found in Gaza

From Explosive-Filled Tunnels Targeting Abbas Found in Gaza: Tunnels filled with explosive devices were discovered under Salahaddin Street in Gaza City, Palestinian security sources announced Wednesday. According to these sources, the explosives were targeting Mahmoud Abbas in anticipation of future visits to Gaza. After Palestinian television networks showed footage of the tunnels and...

Tunnels feed new Hamas army

The Hamas organization in the Gaza Strip has assembled an armed and trained force of about 7,500 fighters. A senior military official emphasized that it was not just a large guerilla force, but an organized military force. This new Hamas army consists of several specialized units, including a short-range missile unit, a long-range missile unit, an anti-tank unit, and a sniper unit, among others...

Terror tunnel found in Jewish Gaza

Dear Condoleeza Rice, Israeli forces this afternoon thwarted a series of suicide attacks in a large Jewish Gaza neighborhood after they uncovered a tunnel that the Palestinian Arab terror group Islamic Jihad dug from Khan Yunis leading into Neve Dekalim, the largest town in the Gush Katif slate of Gaza, Israel. Khan Yunis borders parts of Gush Katif. Muslim terrorists were planning to use the...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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