Few Jordanians Will Mention “Israel”


Any Israeli trying to enter Jordan will be turned away at the border if he is wearing or carrying any Jewish religious paraphernalia. Jordanian authorities explain, that this behavior stems from – get this – “security concerns”. Jews, after all, are prized targets for terrorists. By this reasoning, stopping people with overtly Jewish appearances, or who have Jewish ritual articles in their luggage, is a friendly gesture. Another fact that demonstrates Jordan’s inherent hatred of Jews is that during Jordan’s occupation of the West Bank, the Jordanian kingdom undertook an unsuccessful attempt to make Jerusalem a Muslim city by forcing

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What happened in 1917? Who was Lord Rothschild? What was the Balfour Declaration?


What happened in 1917? Who was Lord Rothschild? What was the Balfour Declaration? Sponsored by Aish.com: In 1917, the British government gave final approval for the Balfour Declaration, calling for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in historic Israel. The declaration took the form of a letter from Arthur Balfour, British Foreign Secretary, to Lord Rothschild, who had once been a member of the British Parliament. In 1922, the United States Congress formally endorsed the Balfour Declaration. In the ensuing decades, the British would slowly whittle away at their commitment — first lopping off 80 percent of the land east

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