Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagThe voluntary flight of Arabs from Israel in 1948

PA Daily: Arabs Caused the Palestinian Refugee Problem

The topic of the voluntary flight of Arabs from Israel in 1948 will be repeated here often, because who is not tired of having to endure the trumped-up concoction of superstition and deceit from Arabs merely because the world was cursed by having its main energy source located under their feet. From PA Daily: Arabs Caused the Palestinian Refugee Problem: The Arabs who became refugees in 1948 were...

Perfection Demanded Only from Little Israel

From Perfection Demanded Only from Little Israel: As much as the dislocations arising from Israel’s re-establishment obsess certain people today, they are tiny compared to dislocations that are hardly noticed anymore. For example, just a year before Israel’s re-establishment, British-ruled India was partitioned into Hindu and Muslim sectors – India and Pakistan. This uprooted 15...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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