Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagThe Vatican

Churches in Saudi Arabia?

Qatar has built a church in Doha, which is a precedent, since Muslim thoecracies severely repress non-Islamic religious expression. Via Daniel Pipes: For some years now, the Vatican has made reciprocity the key to its relations with Muslim-majority states. For example, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the Vatican equivalent of foreign minister, commented in 2003 that “There are too many majority...

Good Friday Prayer for the Jews

Received by email:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Pope Benedict XVI issued a motu proprio (decree) on July 7 authorizing wider use of the Latin Tridentine Mass, some Jews and Catholics feared that the decree would revive an ancient Good Friday prayer for the conversion of the Jews that referred to the “blindness” of Jews, and asked God to “take the veil from their hearts.” Several...

Pope in private audience with head of anti-Semitic radio station

Very disconcerting. From WJC: Pope Benedict XVI has received members of a Polish delegation that included Tadeusz Rydzyk, the owner of the controversial Polish radio station “Radio Maryja”. The Redemptionist priest has repeatedly come under fire for anti-Semitic broadcasts and a recent attack on Polish president Kacynski and his wife. According to a report in a Polish newspaper that...

Israel seeks return of Temple artifacts from the Vatican. Do any exist? What evidence do we have?

Some years ago, while reading about the Knights Templars, I stumbled upon a close-up picture of the famous relief which is part of the sculptured Arch of Titus, (Arcus Titi) erected in Rome, depicting the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans, in A.D. 70. And that image of the pillage of our Holy Temple has stayed with me all these years. The entire arch can be seen here, while another closeup of...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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