From The 27th volume of the monumental project founded by Rabbis Meir Bar-Ilan and Shlomo Zevin – The Talmudic Encyclopedia – was published this month, covering topics as diverse as honorof Sabbath and festivals, conquest in war, Cuthites (Samaritans), and more. Leading Torah scholars of the generation, including Rabbis Avraham Shapira, Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and Ovadiah...
Israel seeks return of Temple artifacts from the Vatican. Do any exist? What evidence do we have?
Some years ago, while reading about the Knights Templars, I stumbled upon a close-up picture of the famous relief which is part of the sculptured Arch of Titus, (Arcus Titi) erected in Rome, depicting the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans, in A.D. 70. And that image of the pillage of our Holy Temple has stayed with me all these years. The entire arch can be seen here, while another closeup of...