Why Do Arab Nationalists Demand the Liberation of Palestine If They Gave Up on Other Occupied Regions?


We know why. Arabs are resentful that Jews are not going to apologize for surviving a 60+ year war that Arabs started, the same war that the detestable Arafat the Egyptian perpetrated when he created the PLO in 1964 – three years before there was an “occupation” in 1967. The 1967 war was a direct result of Arab aggression towards Israel, and a war which the Arabs lost. Arabs themselves are occupiers in the Middle East. Arabs belong in Arabia and have no right to Egypt, Syria, Jordan, or Lebanon. In addition the tactic of Muslims to usurp synagogues and

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The ‘Two Jerusalems’ Myth


To return the “Arab neighborhoods” of Jerusalem to Arab/Muslim control would mark the beginning of the end of Israel and its raison d’etre for existing as a nation state. Received by email. From The ‘Two Jerusalems” Myth: Palestinians have nurtured a myth that historically there were two Jerusalems – an Arab ‘East Jerusalem’ and a Jewish ‘West Jerusalem.’ Jerusalem was never an Arab city; Jews have held a majority in Jerusalem since 1870, and ‘east-west’ is a geographic, not political designation. It is no different than claiming Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, should be a separate political entity from the

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Palestinian Pretense and Israeli Reality


An excellent introduction to the differences in perception between the Israelis and their Arab neighbors is an article by Victor David Hanson in the National Review. It is called Palestinian Pretense and Israeli Reality. You’ll find it at: http://www.nationalreview.com/hanson/hanson031802.shtml If you believe what you hear on the news and media, you would think there is an entity called a Palestinian people, who lived in a country/state/area called Palestine since Canaanite/Biblical/Mohammadan times. The Israelis occupied Palestine in 1967. The Palestinians want the occupiers out of their land. And of course they are entitled to do whatever it takes to get their

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Anti-Israel Ad Campaign Set for Washington Subway


Folks, even as Israel completes its evacuation of more than 20 “settlements” in the Gaza Strip, Arabs still make the argument that Gaza remains “occupied” territory, even though palestinians exercise self-government and the Israeli civilian and military presence in these disputed territories have been removed. This proves that the palestinian claim of “occupation” is just an excuse to kill Jews and the reason for this is that their religious leaders tell them to do it. Now Washington D.C. is getting involved in impugning Israel. From Anti-Israel Ad Campaign Set for Washington Subway: Starting May 13 for four weeks, the Washington

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From the “Know Your Enemy” Department: US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation


Folks, take out your notebooks, it’s time to study history again and learn who the contemporary enemies of Israel are, starting with the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, (endtheoccupation [dot] org), is an anti-Israel coalition whose mission is “to change those US policies that both sustain Israel’s 38 -year occupation of the palestinian West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, and deny equal rights for all”. The group has started a petition opposing H.R.4681, the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006. (But folks, it is a mistake to think of Judeophobia being

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It’s not about “occupied territories”


Jews negotiating a fake “peace” with Palestinian Muslim racist-terrorists who believe themselves to be superior to all others, is never going to work. Islam’s hatred of non-Muslims explains why Israel, on May 14 and May 15, 1948, (the day after Israel declared her independence], was invaded by seven Arab armies: Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen.Folks, it’s not about “occupied territories”. Muslims began their reign of terror before one Israeli ever stepped foot into the West Bank or Gaza Strip. The killings of Jews by Palestinians — and, earlier, by Arabs who didn’t yet consider themselves Palestinians

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Myth of “Arab East Jerusalem”


The Myth of “Arab East Jerusalem” If a reporter were to write a story today which referred to Communist East Berlin, his editor would immediately call him on the carpet. The reason is simple. Communist East Berlin hasn’t existed for eight years. But if that same reporter were to write a story referring to another fiction, “Arab East Jerusalem,” no correction would be made, even though “Arab East Jerusalem” hasn’t existed for 30 years. Between 1948 and 1967, the Jordanian army occupied the Old City of Jerusalem and adjacent neighborhoods. They made these into “Arab East Jerusalem” by expelling the

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