Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagThe Land for Peace Fraud

The Hamas Interest in the Tahdiya (Temporary Truce) with Israel

We can deconstruct the myth of Muslim moderates when researching the Muslim enemy’s modus operandi on how it defrauds and stalks its Jewish prey. Via JCPA: Hamas regards the temporary cease-fire as a tahdiya and not a hudna. A tahdiya – “a period of calm” – is used by Hamas to describe a simple cease-fire. A hudna implies recognition of the other party’s actual...

Palestinians Have Avoided Opportunities for Statehood

Just repeating the facts that prove Palestinian Arabs have never wanted peace with Israel. From Palestinians Have Avoided Opportunities for Statehood: The Palestinians [Arabs], backed and at times manipulated by the Arab world, have done nearly everything possible to avoid setting up their own state. They:1) rejected UN Resolution 181 in 1947 and attacked Israel, thereby precipitating war and...

Olmert: No Gaza Truce If Israeli Soldier Is Not Released

From Olmert: No Gaza Truce If Israeli Soldier Is Not Released: Israel will not agree to an Egyptian proposal for a truce in Gaza unless it includes the issue of arms smuggling and the release of abducted Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told visiting Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman on Monday. “Hamas must not only halt its attacks but also the...

6.5 Tons of Potassium Nitrate Used for Terror Discovered in Sugar Bags Marked as EU Assistance [Caught at “poorpalestinianhumiliating” checkpoint]

Now released for publication: In a joint IDF and ISA operation several weeks ago, a truck was caught at one of the crossing points in Judea and Samaria carrying approximately 6.5 tons of Potassium Nitrate. The Potassium Nitrate was disguised in sugar bags, and was intended for use by Muslim terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Potassium Nitrate is a banned substance in the Gaza Strip and the Judea and...


From PA Police Murdered Israeli in West Bank on Nov. 19: The Israel Defense Forces has arrested the Palestinians believed responsible for the shooting incident in which Ido Zoldan, 29, was killed on Nov. 19 in the West Bank. Zoldan, a resident of Shavei Shomron, was driving toward Karnei Shomron when gunmen in a passing vehicle opened fire, critically wounding him. According to information...

arabs demand Israel stop building in Jerusalem, too

The Muslim thieves want it all. From IMRA via The Guardian and Israel Today:
Top palestinian Muslim negotiator says that demand for halt to all “settlement” activity includes residential building projects in Jerusalem.
[Dr. Aaron Lerner – IMRA: With the exception of Israel Channel Two correspondent Ehud Yaari, this demand has received little – if any – coverage.]


Forwarded by Women in Green: The following is from an advertisement posted by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), both in the NEW YORK TIMES and in HAARETZ, in Israel. The NY Times addressed Secretary Rice, and the Israeli version was directed to Prime Minister Olmert: DON’T PROMOTE A STATE FOR PALESTINIANS WHILE THEIR 10 COMMANDMENTS PROMOTE TERRORISM AND ISRAEL’S DESTRUCTION Just read...

Annapolis is a no-win situation

Received by email from are going out today. But to what? To start with you must understand “War And Peace In The Law Of Islam” I explained why Islamic “peace” and Israel are mutually exclusive. So if real peace isn’t the object of the exercise, what is? Annapolis is about wiping Israel off the face of the map To better...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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