What Are the “Netroots”?


A look at the influential alliance of leftist bloggers seeking to help Democratic candidates nationwide win political elections. From DiscoverTheNetworks.org: A blend of the words “Internet” and “grassroots,” the term “Netroots” refers to the coordinated activism of the political Left via blogs, podcasts, newsletters, message forums, and other online media. These bloggers, etc. fervently support Democratic Party candidates for public office and in many cases work for them directly. Seeking to “utiliz[e] the [I]nternet to empower an electoral campaign through a variety of mediums that go beyond the standard website,” Netroots’ threefold mission is to “increase voter awareness”; “win undecided

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Michigan Man Accused of Helping Saddam Set Up Pre-War Visit to Iraq by U.S. Lawmakers


Mark Levin reported the breaking news that an Iraqi-American, Muthanna Al-Hanooti, had been indicted as a spy. In addition, Al-Hanooti is accused of secretly funding the October 2002 pre-invasion trip to Iraq of three antiwar House Democrats, Congressmen Jim McDermott (D-WA), Mike Thompson (D-CA), and David E. Bonior (D-MI, now retired. Muthanna Al-Hanooti was given an offer that federal prosecutors say he couldn’t refuse: Set up a trip for U.S. lawmakers to pre-war Iraq and earn 2 million barrels of Iraqi oil in return. An indictment unsealed Wednesday in Detroit accuses Al-Hanooti, a member of a Michigan nonprofit group, of

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Watch John Murtha cut-and-run


Kudos to Jason Mattera of Young America’s Foundation who got in John Murtha’s face and asked the filthy Democrat congressman whether he will apologize to the exonerated Haditha Marines for accusing themof “killing innocent civilians in cold blood”. John Murtha besmirches our troops. That is something that would come from Al-Jazeera, not from a congressman. Great video here: link. Support the Young America’s Foundation. Investigating officer recommends dropping murder case against Lance Cpl. Stephen B. Tatum Hello, Jack Murtha, are you there? Charges against Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt dropped Marine’s parents want Murtha censured

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